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Please email tech for all general questions regarding our products
Blair 210-219-3877 (TEXT ONLY)

Mailing Address:
Derby Dust
San Antonio, TX 78278

I have a few reasons for preferring emails and texts

  • I answer texts very quickly 99% of the time.  It is quite common that I am answering 2-3 people at the same time.   I prefer this method over all other methods.  It helps me to stay on target for each customer.  
  • I am a one-man shop. I run daily 4 cnc routers, 3 cnc lathes, 1 cnc polish machine, and lead slump molds for weights.  And yes they are all on and running from 7am to 6pm daily. By insisting that product details and product features and specifications for the job are sent in email I am able to do the best most efficient job for you. I usually call somebody that seems like they need a call one time. That way they know they aren’t just sending money to some Nigerian banking scam.
  • When somebody calls me it is a demand that I stop whatever I am doing and interrupt my train of thought in order to focus on them.   I appreciate that people like that personal contact, but it grossly disrupts my day if I’m constantly stopping to answer phone calls. I am unable to work effectively that way. A five-minute phone call can cost me a heck of a lot more than five minutes when it interrupts other work. Not just in time either.
  • Details in conversation go back and forth and get confused and mixed up and people sometimes think that things that “can be” done were “agreed to be” done when mentioned in conversation.  Emails have the advantage of being able to be reviewed to make sure the job gets done the way it was decided to be done. Details are there to be reviewed to make sure they are not missed.
  • While I realize you are probably not one of them, I do get customers (and sometimes non-customers) that can talk on the phone for hours just socializing.  If you want to socialize lets go fishing when you pass through San Antonio,  but during the work day its not very efficient use of my time.
  • What if you have a problem with an order?  We use PayPal for our purchasing gateway.  This provides both you and us with some level of protection in the event of a problem.  Our business phone number does appear on our PayPal account and on our PayPal invoices.
  • I do respond to emails more at night than the day.  I answer most texts rather quickly.   If you do not receive a response check your spam folder or junk mail folder.

We are doing our part in keeping America going. All of our products are proudly made here in the United States. Unfortunately, we do not have regular hours during the off season. TEXT MESSAGE is the quickest way to get a hold of us. If you are the old fashion kind of person, you can leave a voice mail but please include your email address. If you are asking questions about rules, please email the rules. How you read something to me and how I read it can be two different things. Thanks for understanding. We look forward to 2025 derby season.